Hai All
Please Give your Valuable Reply For My Query Regarding VAT,ST&TDS On Catering Srvice.
Our Company is Providing Food&Snacks to our Employees for Rs/- 400 p.m for each employes and if any consumed more than Rs.400/- p.m. it will be collected from employee through salary under employee contribution and paying to Caterer.
My Query is If Bill Amount is, for Ex: Rs.1,00,000/- and Empoyer Contribution is Rs70,000/- and Employee Contribution is Rs.30,000/-,
1)What is the Service TAx amount (Please mention %) ?
2)What is the VAT amount (Please mention %) ?
3)How Much TDS to be Collect under which sec. and % ?
Please give Reply
It is Very Urgent
Waiting for valuable Replies....