Dear Students and friends,
I had a wonderful interaction even within a few days of logging into this site.
By the number of PMs I get daily, Im happy that I have helped many and have brought in a sea of change in one and all, friend or foe.
I would love to spend more and more time but then I have certain commitments, certain pending works and a sudden call from my office, which I have been putting off adroitly for the past few days to cool my heels.
Thus, I might have to move my place now and maybe my interactions might not be as frequent as Im doing these days.I however would come in now and then and share some articles or reply back to a few comments(I prefer some contructive comments) then.
I wll try to give a couple of more articles shortly.I hope you enjoy these and the other articles and gain inspiration.
And next time anyone discourages you, come and read these articles once more for inspiration.I tell you,it works! Its easy and possible.
Its 'uncool' to be diffident and its totally hep to be bouyant about success.
Many people think they fear failure but many have an inner fear for success, I have noticed it as success means,more repsonsibilities, more cares and concerns and most of all, beating that cozy comfort zone which one had change is uncomfortable to everyone and thus there is within our subconscious psyches the fear of success.This is very counter-intuitive but then this is the reality.
But let me tell as someone who has tasted success:It is totally a mindblowing experience.It gives you a "high" which even crack or cocaine cannot give you and yet it is good for you in the longrun.
Work for success and win it all.But dont forget the fun aspect.
No fun---> no learning; Know fun---> Know learning!
Every student is talented and has a world within to manifest!
God Bless all of you!