akkapeddi (Retd Sr. Audit officer) (289 Points)

02 March 2010  

A spirit of Humour is necessary to get along healthily in this World. It's difficult
to imagine what the world would be without Humour. At every turn one meets
Humour _ in the talk of Villagers, of Women, of Students, of merchants, of teachers,
of lawyers and Judges so on. Thus it is the silver lining that relieves the Clouds
of sorrow, despair and dullness of frayed temper.

Sugar Out of Human defects

" Humour is th diabetes of credulous minds. It makes sugar out of human defects.
It distils laughter and induces recovery. NO potons, No pills possess greater theraputic
value than humour.
Example: A man who was ill had consulted many doctors finally consulted a
famous Doctor. "Doctor" said the sick man, " the other doctors seem to differ
from you in their diagnosis of my case." The famous Doctor replied cheeringly,
" Yes, I know, but I am confident that post-mortem will show that I was right."

Humour - A Healthy way

Humour is the Healthy way of feeling a distance between one's Self
and the problem, a way of standing off and looking at one's problem
with perspective

Superiority Theory

This theory suggests that we laugh because a particular person or Character
has a defect or is at a disadvantage. This occurs for Example when a famous
politician gets a pie thrown on his face.

Facial Gestures

In laughing, the Brain pressures us to do two simultaneous things. One is visual
consisting of facial gestures.

Limbic system

According to neurophisiology laughter is linked with activation of
ventromedical prefrontal cortex which produces endorphins
after you have a good meal, after you understand the joke. Research has shown
parts of limbic system are involved in Laughter.
Humour as you see,is the greatest Lubricant of trouble. If everyone but
cultivated a sense of humour, the World will b far happier than it is NOW