Some Useful Facts about

Prabeer (B. COM (H) CA & CS Final)   (5484 Points)

13 October 2009  

 Some Useful Facts


• Size of corporate sector has increased from 30000 registered companies at work in 1957, i.e. initial year of 2nd five year plan, to 788691 registered companies at work at the end of March, 2008.
• The three largest states constituting 55% of the corporate sector are Maharashtra, Delhi and West Bengal. The top fifteen states having largest concentration of Indian companies are Maharashtra, Delhi, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kerala, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana and Orissa in that order. These states constitute 96% of the sector.
• The industrial sectors having major concentration of Indian companies are the manufacturing sector, finance, insurance, real estate & business activities, wholesale & retail trade, hotels & restaurants and construction. Each of the manufacturing sector and finance, insurance, real estate & business sector constitutes 26 % of the Indian corporate sector. The industrial sector with the activities of wholesale & retail trade, hotels & restaurants forms 14% whereas construction sector forms 8% of the corporate sector.