Some of Very Useful & Basic Google Search Tips & Tricks


28 March 2010  



All of almost use google on day to day basis but very few are aware about some of very basic search options google has on it's search engine.

  1. Put Keyword or Phrase in double quotes to match exact term.

  2. If you are looking for computer but not games in it, use following syntax.

    Note: No space after -

  3. If you want to search for a keyword but not its synonyms.

  4. If want to search a Keyword or phrase in a particular domain only

  5. If you are looking to search in a particular domain extension eg .com, .in, .org, .net etc

  6. If you want to know the exchange rate of any currency for eg US $ against India Rs

  7. If you want to know the local time in particular city

  8. You can use google even for calculating, so you really don't need to open a calculator

  9. To know the currency for any country

  10. Use google to convert various units of measurements like weight, length, volume etc