Some more Thoughts

Rahul (CA) (1880 Points)

24 January 2010  

 The happiness or unhappiness of men depends as much

on their humors as on fortune.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld 1613-1680, French Classical
A person who knows how to laugh at himself will never
ceased to be amused.
Shirley Maclaine 1934-, American Actress
Fortune and humor govern the world.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld 1613-1680, French Classical
If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is
tea, please bring me some coffee.
Abraham Lincoln 1809-1865, Sixteenth President of the USA

Chaos in the midst of chaos isn’t funny, but chaos in the
midst of order is.
Steve Martin 1945-, American Actor, Comedian,
Screenwriter, Playwright, Writer
Comedy may be big business but it isn’t pretty.
Steve Martin