Some facts


31 January 2010  

Ignorance among the students about CA.

Most of the students were join the CPT course only because of the potential and money making ability of the CA course rather than self interest to the CA course….

If you become CA, Can earn good money and good future..If you are a boy…

get good dowry at the time you become CA. Those who are now Pac or final, just ask a question in your self itself. You may be one amongst them….


Secondly, the costs of studies were too low compared to other courses. So less investment in studies and huge return …What an idea…But it is just a fatal attraction to fire...

Hurry attitude… Registering the course with the intention of writing the exam at the earliest and clear at the earliest. Attending the good coaching classes those who have money ,referring all the good book .

But the first day of exam itself most of them got out…(Duck in the first) Those who fails continue to fail…You can see..This is not the fault of any manipulation done by ICAI, rather you are not allowing your self to learn, develop the skills..What is the wrong for taking the enough time and writing the both group……

You are doing some manipulation with yourself …Don’t blame anybody…. It is better to write both group and single group by taking needed time than writing the exam with repeated attempts…… No one listen, but those who listened it they will sure crack the exam and enjoy the success….

Wrong decision Writing both group in a shorter period of time.The result of both group will always be lower than the results of individual group..You can write both….but allow needed time…. Wrong method of study If you adopting reading mechanism only and not keeping notes , your efficiency can be affected to a great extent…that is sure…. Solution …read the subject and understand the concept and document the concept and revise the concept and write it…..

Reference book Selection of good reference book is essential..For costing and Income tax … The ICAI module language is difficult to grasp first…Second for cost account and FM book , there is no good structure of problems ….taxation also out dated…. Prev12Next