i think it is a social Budget.but then its sure tat the Fin min has prepared such a budget for the upcoming elections.. well anyways, on a whole the weight of the balance is on the good side..
waiving of the Rs.60000 crores..now i guess the fin.min has not got the numbers wrong. the B/S of banks and govt does not hav agri loans of 60000crores. so dont know wat he meant by tat? but still, the loans of any agri will be waived off in which the banks and the govt will bear partly. moreover the govt can afford to increase the salary of its employess, coz business has improved and more profits comin... petrol,deisel prices has been hiked..so tat wil take care of all the so-called good things in the budget..and the old 30% std dedction withdrawal can take care of the salary appraisal probs...
this budget was more freindly to the middle class and individual tax payers... anyways sounds good on a whole...but the biggest problem we need to look at is - INFLATION.. i DONT WANNA PAY more for anything anymore.. and the global economy has slowd dwon..so, we need to pump up our operations at this phase on the global platform..so its gonna be real tough..
hope things work out better.