Here it is to be mentioned that, Exemption provided as per Notification-33/2012 is not Basic Exemption limit as available in Income tax act. Notification-33/2012 has been issued to provide benefits to New service provider who in turn will be a small service period untill they are not crossing Rs.10,00,000.
The intent of law makers should be considered while reading through Rules , Notification , Provisions.
Once The Service Provider Crosses Rs.10,00,000 of taxable services the person will cease to be Small Service provider consequently Notification 33/2012 will be not applicable.
However when Service provider not opt for Exemption under 33/2012 during any financial year and taxable services provided in that year does not exceed 10,00,000 then the benefit 33/2012 shall apply even if he has not opted for it in any of the preceding financial year. Hence the service provider has the option to avail exemption with respect to each financial year , he cannot be denied of mere fact of non availment of Exemption in any earlier financial year.
From the above Discussion we can summarize following
Small Service provider - Person who has not crossed taxable turnover of RS.10,00,000.
Small service provider has two options
Option 1 . Can avail benefit of notification no : 33/2012.
Option 2. Can charge Service Tax and claim eligible cenvat credit
The option is with respect to whole of the financial year
The benefit of Notification 33/2012 shall not be denied of mere fact that in any previous financial year the person has not availed the benefit.