Small doubt in std costing

CA N.Dhivya Lakshmi (Chartered Accountant) (515 Points)

08 September 2012  

The Question reads as follows...

" For Product X (Rs pu),

VOH = 4mach hrs @ Rs 8ph = RS.32 pu

             2 lab hrs @ Rs 4ph = Rs.8 pu

5450 units were made compared to budgeted production of 5500u

AVOH (Machine related) =RS 176000

           (Labour related) =Rs 42000

Actual Mach hrs = 22000

            Lab hrs = 10800"

In the calculation for finding efficiency variance,

Efficiency Variance = (SH * SR ph) or (AO * SR pu) minus (SO * SR pu) or (AH * SR ph)

Here, SO * SR pu & AH * SR ph are same in machine hrs but not in labour hrs. Why?

Please reply......

Ref: Paduka, illustration 18(June 2011 edition),