Dear Friends,
In Single Entry balance, some times we will be find difference, that difference should be adjusted in purchase a/c(Credit purchase of goods), Bank a/c(Amount paid to Drs) & in Bills payable a./c.
For adjustment in Bills payable a/c, we have two cases,
1) Credit side of Creditors a/c is excess: In such a case, we treat that the creditor is submitted Bills for the debt and the same is transferred to Bills payable a/c. So, Creditors a/c will be reduced and the same is added in BP a/c. Following entry should be passsed
Creditors a/c Dr
To BP a/c
2)Debit side of Creditors a/c is excess : In this case, we treat that the Bills payable will converted to Creditors. This will happen when there is a dishonour of the Bills given to the creditors. As a result, Creditors a/c will be increased. Following entry will be passed.
BP a/c Dr
Creditors a/c