Simple tips for effective exam writing


19 December 2011  


Exam writing suggessions
·        Your answers must convince the Examiner about their sound conception or approach. Your answers should hit the relevant concepts. Answers based on concepts will be awarded more marks.
·        T hose who write in English must think in English too and should never think in their mother tongue and translate into English this comes from practice .
·        Answers must be short and to the point. Giving examples to explain adds value. Care should be taken for not including over example and over explanation. Any thing beyond the limit will be harmful. Your answers should be concise and precise.
·        A Question carrying 4 Marks, 8 Marks or 16 marks must not be written in the same length. The length must be proportionately trimmed without affecting the essence of the matter asked for. Those who answer too long, fail to complete the Full Question paper. This is ultimately cause failure for want of aggregate.
·        All questions must be attempted. If you attempted, there is a chance of getting some marks on the attempted answers rather than keeping answers blank. Please allow the Examiner the . opportunity to award some marks for whatever is written unless what is written is totally rubbish.
·        Never pick and choose. Read all the Chapters. Students have the tendency for selective learning during the last days before exam. This is risky since CA question papers cannot be predictable. Never ever adopt selective learning, never over depend on luck factors.
·        Keep writing all that you read and correct those yourself before submitting your answer sheet to the examiners. T hat If you have bad handwriting, start writing in bigger Font Size .
·        Write in short and simple sentences. Do not make your Answer Book untidy. Untidy answer sheet will make negative impression to your examiner
Best Regards
CA Vivek M