Similar product classified in different Tariff No

S. Banerjee (Practising Cost Accountant. Core area- Central Excise. Service Tax Costing system installation including maintenance of Cost Records and Cost Audit and Management Audit mainly Revenue leakages Audit)   (622 Points)

24 November 2009  

My dear friends,

One assesee classified different Central ExciseTariff No for local sale and export sale and filled returns year after year.  Neither the Div Supt nor Audit has raised any objection.  But antieviation cell  has seized all excise records for last 5 years and issued summon after summons for interogation to the employee incuding the director of the co.

My question is how this issue is to be settled? No show cause has been issued after seizer till to date (one month passed). How long dept can issue summons?

Wating for  reply from any experts.

S. Banerjee