Sikkim online waybill

Anupam Majumder (Sr. Executive Indirect Taxation Eastern Region)   (29 Points)

06 September 2013  


We received an order from our Customer based in Sikkim where the intention was to make sale in transit.  We have no registration in Sikkim but having registration in West Bengal and decided to book sales from WB.  Earlier we have purchased goods from differrent states of India and made sale in transit from West Bengal to our Sikkim Customer.  The manual waybills have been provided by Customer directly in the name of our Supplier.  Excise benefits were also passed on to the Customer based on the Vendor Invoices.  But recently online waybill has been established in Sikkim and the waybill is systematically linked up with  C Form generation.  Now the problem is, the customer is unable to provide waybill in the name of our supplier.  They can issue waybill in the name of us only.  But in that case, how can we establish the Sale in transit.  Can any one please guide us.....

Best Regards.

Anupam Majumder