Dear all,
Please clarify my doubt regarding, "who are the directors should sign the board resolution?" Is it by directors present, or any number of directors? Please urgent...
CA Dauzi Pathan Imran Khan (Chartered Accountant in Practise) (1678 Points)
18 July 2013Dear all,
Please clarify my doubt regarding, "who are the directors should sign the board resolution?" Is it by directors present, or any number of directors? Please urgent...
(PRACTICING CS Jalandhar 9914558709)
(5155 Points)
Replied 18 July 2013
As any resolution is being passed in a meeting of Board of Directors or of Members. Hence, in every meeting a Chairman is being appointed. So, it would be much better if teh resolutions are signed by the Chairman of the meeting otherwise signatures of any of the director are also acceptable
Ajay Mishra
(Company Secretary)
(74342 Points)
Replied 20 July 2013
I Agreed with Ms.Neha........
Any director present in the company can sign the certified copy od such resolution.
For example... If a resolution is passed in Board Meeting dated 28.08.2010 and at that time Mr. S, Mr. J and Mr. T was director. If such resolution is required on 30.06.2013 then certified copy of such resolution will be signed by Mr. A , who is ciuurrently director of the company or any one director out of three who is presently director of the company on the date when such certitfied copy is issued.
Ajay Mishra
(Company Secretary)
(74342 Points)
Replied 20 July 2013
The CS will sign, Bpard resolution, where the company have CS, otherwise not.