I want to know do we need 100% consent of shareholders for calling AGM at shorter notice as per section 172 ?
J. Manivannan
(Advocate & IP)
(242 Points)
Replied 18 May 2010
Dear Madhura
Yes. The Annual General meeting may be called after giving shorter notice in Form 22A prescribed under the Companies (Central Government) General Rules & Forms 1956 - by all the shareholders of the company by way of consent.
(CS Trainee)
(461 Points)
Replied 18 May 2010
Dear Sir,
my qustion is regarding % of consent.
if we get 75% consent to short notice will that be fine?
J. Manivannan
(Advocate & IP)
(242 Points)
Replied 18 May 2010
Dear Madhura.
According to section 171(2) (i) - we should get consent of all members (100%) in case of Annual General Meeting to be held by shorter notice.
Section 171(2) (ii) - In other General Meetings can be held by shorter notice if consent given by members not less than 95% of total voting power.
CS Ankur Srivastava
(Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)
(17853 Points)
Replied 19 May 2010
Yes comletely agree with Mr. Vannan
But dear Madhura relevant section is 171.
SEction 172 is contents and manner of service of notice.
(CS Trainee)
(461 Points)
Replied 19 May 2010
Dear Ankur Sir,
Sec 171 and 172 both are relevent considering my question.
Thank you.
CS Ankur Srivastava
(Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)
(17853 Points)
Replied 19 May 2010
Dear Madhura,
Please go through section 171 and 172.
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114783 Points)
Replied 20 May 2010
Dear Madhura,
Download sample shorter notice consent form 22A from the link given below:
Download_Corporate Law professional files
Best Regards