Shocking video from ca campus placements 2012: sad

Sushant Lohani (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT) (1051 Points)

07 March 2012


At Shantinath Hall, ICAI Ahmedabad during CA Campus Placements February 28,2012.The offer from Evosys and their presentation during PPT had a poor response from the CA freshers.But when the freshers found out the cruel reality of job market for CA freshers in the 1st day of placements, where very few got selected;;;and when Evosys declared that those who hadn't even been shortlisted could submit their Resumes to the podium, all of a sudden scores of freshers rushed to the stage causing a mini-stampede.

It's worth mentioning, during PPT presentation, when HR official of Evosys asked the freshers,"How many of you CAs want to be IT professionals". Only 2 had raised their hands.

Don't miss the conversations in the background.quite funny.
The person who had captured this video has requested anonymity.


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