Shareholders' for a listed co. can ask for certain info./ documents. Can anyone share the provision/section wise list of info/doc. that can be asked under the act and if any under the listing agreement.
request to respond at the earliest.
ars (CS) (445 Points)
02 November 2010Shareholders' for a listed co. can ask for certain info./ documents. Can anyone share the provision/section wise list of info/doc. that can be asked under the act and if any under the listing agreement.
request to respond at the earliest.
(COMPANY SECRETARY NCFM (Corporate Governance ))
(664 Points)
Replied 02 November 2010
Read listing agreement.
Apart from companies act listing agreement also gives right to shareholder.
right to dividend, bonus, spiltshares , annual accounts. notice of AGM EGM. Shareholder also can complain to SEBI stock exchanges for grivances. if any against the company.