Share with us (newcomer) some advice of c.a

Mr.C.A (ipcc) (173 Points)

31 July 2011  

Hi! everybody, you guys do have much information about c.a and to get it done with 1 attempt but whereas we newcomer , we havne't got enough info to get it done with ease, so my kindly advice you on behalf of newcomer that " please do share your experience so that in 1 individual forum we could have a thousand of precious information about c.a's success.Of course, For you ' your information is just a knowledge but for us (newcomer) it's nothing but a precious info that we need to get success as easy as possible.SO PLEASE DO SHARE AND COMMENTS ON EVERY POST BUT PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US WITH OUR QUESTION  " God has given you knowledge so do share with us " thanks.................................that's behalf of newcomerss ........but personally question to you is that " GUYS HOW DO YOU MAINTAIN YOUR TIME TABLE ? ".....AND HOW  MANY HOURS ?............thanks