What is trigger price in case of both Buy and Sell and how is it different from price in limit order?
Rahul Prajapati (Student) (2282 Points)
16 June 2018What is trigger price in case of both Buy and Sell and how is it different from price in limit order?
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(182975 Points)
Replied 16 June 2018
TRIGGER PRICE is the price at which the exchange servers will make your BUY/SELL order active for execution. (before that the order is not placed in market, but remains silent in the software)
After the stop-loss order has been triggered, LIMIT PRICE is the price at which your shares will be sold or bought.
For example......
Suppose I have bought "A" at 91 and want to put 86 as stop loss. So here I will define two things. 1) trigger price 2) sell price.
Stop loss orders are not directly entered in the market, but it is your software that keeps a watch on the prices for the trigger. Suppose my trigger price is 87, the moment the stock is traded at 87, the order will trigger with a sell price at 86.
If A is available at 86 or above it will be sold immediately.
If it is lower than 86 by the time your order is placed, you sell order will stay at 86 and will be filled when a buyer is available at this price.
Similarly in case of buy order it will be otherway round........
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