The company's authorised capital Rs 2 Crore, Paid up capital- 29.70Lacs. Bonus share issued for Rs1.485 Crore raising paid-up capital to 1.782 Crore. i've submitted MGT 14, SH7 and PAS-3 for increase in Paid-Up Share capital through issue of bonus shares in the MCA Portal. All 3 forms have been approved. But in Master Data, instead of showing paid-up capital as 1.782 Crore, it is showing 29.70 Lacs. The increased value is not showing. What steps I've to follow to update the master data? Kindly advise.
SH 7 and MGT 14 and PAS-3 already submitted and approved. But not showing in master data
Prabhakar Pal (1 Points)
07 March 2021