SFM (MAFA) online classes: what time is convenient

Vinod Kothari (Chief) (1269 Points)

28 March 2010  

Several students from all over the country experienced our online classes on AS 30. Now, we intend to start Strategic Financial Mgt (MAFA) classes beginning of April. We will do it topic-wise, like few classes on capital budgeting, few classes on options/futures and so on.

Our online tutorials run on Webex - they are interactive. You will be doing several sums and sending our the responses, on which I will send back comments. In other words, every student will be individually attended to.

I need to know from interested students:

(a) what time of the day will be ideal for this? How many times in a week should we do it?

(b) which topics are more complicated for you, so we take them on priority basis?

For those appearing in this May, it would not be possible, of course, to cover the syllabus but I would try to cover some topcis by end of April.

The fees will be relatively very low. You will be happily surprised with the fee structure.

To know more about our tutorials and to download sample articles/chapters, see vinodkothari.com/tutorials/resources.html

Vinod Kothari