Seven Golden Thoughts

CA Mani (Credit Analyst) (2814 Points)

24 December 2009  

~~Seven Golden Thoughts~~

 Before you pray, believe in Almighty

Is your prayer is out of only fear for the unknown power-The Almighty?
Do your prayers only include a demand from him-something for yourself or your family?
Do you ever pray to him that I am because of you and I thank you for my existence?
Is it ever that you pray to him with purity of love for HIM, and without putting any demands on Him?
If you do not do this, start doing it.

He the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.
He will give you what is your rightful; will help you go through your happiness and misery
with same attitude, without being too exuberant in happiness or depressed in misery.

Before you criticize wait and think for a while

Before you rip apart someone or something,
wait and check-is what you are saying based on facts or mere heresy.
Is it constructive criticism or criticism just for the sake of it?
Is it arising out of your complexes and jealousy?
Usually we criticize those who we subconsciously wish to be like especially the celebrities.
Please wait to ask your self do I know what is the whole truth?
Know what is on the other side of the coin, before you start pulling people or things, down.

Before you spend earn first

Before you spend your parents, spouse or providers money thoughtlessly,
think about the labour, sweat and toil that goes into earning the money.
Stop and think is it really required by me what I am putting this money into?
Most of us value our own earnings more.
Be thankful that you have a pillar of support in form of parent, spouse, family, employer etc
and treat that money as you would respect your own earnings.

Before you write think properly

Words spoken or written cannot be taken back so put in great thought before you pen them.
In moments of anger, distress or happiness we may pen down something which we may forever regret.
So before you use that mighty sword called pen, stop gather your thoughts,
come to an even keel emotionally and then write what you want to.
Being hurtful is easy but to wipe out that hurt it may take more than a lifetime.

Before you quit, try and try again

Quitters never win and winners never quit.
 Perseverance helps to surmount greatest of difficulties.
It is the ‘sloggers’ who achieve and make this world run.
If you cannot remove the world impossible try to diminish its impact by perseverance and sincere efforts.

Be kind-kindness is the healing balm of consolation which all of require time to time!!