Is there any issues in filing Service tax return offline on last date of return i.e 25th.
Is there any delay in getting offline return uploaded accepted/verified/filed.
What are the merits of filing service tax return offline.
Jyothis (Article) (1127 Points)
23 April 2016Is there any issues in filing Service tax return offline on last date of return i.e 25th.
Is there any delay in getting offline return uploaded accepted/verified/filed.
What are the merits of filing service tax return offline.
U S Sharma
(21063 Points)
Replied 23 April 2016
Service tax return can not be filed offline, you have to file it only online through ACES portal
(1127 Points)
Replied 23 April 2016
By offline i mean downloading Excel utility , generating X M L & uploading.
Is there any issue in using offline mode of return in excel on last date.
Will it cause any delay in getting approved.
U S Sharma
(21063 Points)
Replied 23 April 2016
date of submission is counted in records it does not matter that on which date its completed or filled, but the date of filing with ACES would be taken in account
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)