Service Tax of Kolkata commisionarte paid in Mumbai bank

A (Engineer) (132 Points)

03 December 2008  

My service tax registration is under Kolkata commissionarate , but to avoid interest I paid the challan in one of the State bank of India branch in Mumbai. They accepted my challan & handed me a Token asking me to come back after 10 days to collect the challan copy. when I contacted the branch after 10 days , they are saying , the service tax of Kolkata commissionarate can not be deposited in Mumbai branch, as such you should take back your challan,

The problem now is that if I take back the challan , I will be liable to pay interest for these 10 days & even more, as I will have to arrange for depositing the same in Kolkata , which will take some more time. I have the token of SBI stating I have deposited the challan on a date prior date........Please suggest teh remedy

As far as I know SBI is authorised to accept service tax of all commissionarates in any state branch, if this can be proved, I may force the bank to accept my challan......which will ensure it has been deposited at a prior date


Please suggest