Dear Frnds ,
I hope every one find very difficulty with this costing subject ....
so here is the simplest way to secure 60+ in Cost & Management Accounting
CMA KNVV Sri Vidya - Sri Kanth (C.A.Final (New) ICWAI FINAL (New)) (11269 Points)
21 March 2012
CMA KNVV Sri Vidya - Sri Kanth
(C.A.Final (New) ICWAI FINAL (New))
(11269 Points)
Replied 21 March 2012
CMA KNVV Sri Vidya - Sri Kanth
(C.A.Final (New) ICWAI FINAL (New))
(11269 Points)
Replied 21 March 2012
STEP - 2
Now go through ur scanner
u find many of the questions which u solved from ur institute will be appearing in the scanner
It shows that the ICAI also gives the questionsfrom your Institute MAterial
Step -3
Which chapter to start first
first take the OR Part
1. Simulation
2. Assignment Problem
3. Transportation
4. Linear Programming
5. Learning Curve Theory
6. Critical Path Analysis & PERT
CMA KNVV Sri Vidya - Sri Kanth
(C.A.Final (New) ICWAI FINAL (New))
(11269 Points)
Replied 21 March 2012
CMA KNVV Sri Vidya - Sri Kanth
(C.A.Final (New) ICWAI FINAL (New))
(11269 Points)
Replied 21 March 2012
Dear Friends,
Most of the questions in the exams will be coming from
Institute Material
Previous Questions
CMA KNVV Sri Vidya - Sri Kanth
(C.A.Final (New) ICWAI FINAL (New))
(11269 Points)
Replied 21 March 2012
CMA KNVV Sri Vidya - Sri Kanth
(C.A.Final (New) ICWAI FINAL (New))
(11269 Points)
Replied 21 March 2012
(28544 Points)
Replied 21 March 2012
Costing i have failed more than 4 time becaue the way of learning... If same pattern questions comes, there is no difficulties in solving the problems. Then i have adopted two things
trying to solving the problems without refering the solutions. Understanding the concepts, and comitting many mistake.Gradually the mistake level were reduced.
sravan kumar
(CA - Final)
(58 Points)
Replied 21 March 2012
I think if you go through the paduka it will cover the problems from RTP's, Previous exams and Institute material.
If you do first from paduka it will be better as most of the parts mentioned above are covered and it builds the confidence level also. Regarding OR if we can get LSS(chennai) material then we can make a good scoring. If any one has got LSS material please upload. it will help most of the students who are having problem with OR
(1108 Points)
Replied 22 March 2012
Padhukas+Previus 5 attempts suggested answers+Rtps of past attemps is suffcient
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 22 March 2012
Thanks a lot Vidya for sharing your's gonna be very useful for students.
Keep it up
CA Vasiullah (Vasi)
(Audit Executive)
(1813 Points)
Replied 22 March 2012
Thanx for sharing!! its gonna be helpful!
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