Sectipn 169 of companies act 2013
surya (birla junction) (27 Points)
26 July 2019Act 2013
Sukhveer Singh
(128 Points)
Replied 26 July 2019
Jatin Bajaj
(2930 Points)
Replied 27 July 2019
Special notice is defined under section 115 of the Companies Act 2013, read with Companies (Management and administration) rules 2014,
Special notice is giving by the member of the Company to the Company who holds 1 percent of the total voting power of the Company or holding 5 lakh agregate of the paid up share capital of the Company.
Notice shall be sent at least 14 days before the date of meeting at which the resolution is to be moved.
on receipt of the notice, the Company shall sent the notice to the members at least 7 days before the date of the meeting.
Special notice is given in case of removal of Director or removal of auditor.