Dear All, here is the opinion of an author and consultant in matters of company law and indirect taxes, his books are being published by a leading book publisher in our country, i m not mentioning his name as i have not taken permission from him.
""By very definition, the subsidiary of a public company, which is registered as a private company, is a ‘private company’. It means it can have essential characteristics of a private company as defined in section 3(1)(iii), i.e. (a) Restricting right to transfer its shares (b) Limiting number of members to 50 (c) Prohibiting invitation to public to subscribe for shares or debentures of company (d) Prohibiting deposits from persons other than members, directors or their relatives and (e) Minimum capital of Rs one lakh.
The aforesaid ‘essential characteristics’ are mandatory requirements for a private company. Without these conditions, it cannot be a ‘private company’ at all.
Excluding the essential characteristics of a private company u/s 3(1)(iii), it will have all restrictions and prohibitions that a public company has. As per section 12(1), two persons can form a private company. However, as per section 45, a public company must have minimum seven members. Hence, in my opinion , a subsidiary of a public company can be formed with two members, but within 6 months, the members should be increased to seven. Otherwise, all members will incur personal liability of debts of the company. Further, the company should have minimum three directors. Similarly, quorum for general meeting should be five members personally present.""