Answer to your first question is YES. Person includes Director ALSO. BUT the Section 186 starts with saving phrase "Without prejudice to the provisions contained in this Act".
The section 185 starts with "save as otherwise provided in this Act" . This section prohibits loans etc to directors and “to any other person in whom director is interested"
The opening phrase of Section 185 means that if any other provision specifically provides that one can give loan to a director etc. then that section will prevail over section 185.
However opening phrase of Section 186 is not an non obstante clause but it simply says that this section will not prejudice the other provisions of this Act. That means it doesnot have any overriding effect on any other provisions especially section 185.
In the light of above, it may be summed up as under: Whatever prohibited under Section 185 is prohibited and Section 186 is only a general provison applying to those cases which are not specifically prohibited under Section 185