Dear Friends,
For the first time the concept of 'Secretarial Audit' has become applicable w.e.f 1st April. 2014 . For the financial year ended on 31st March,2015, about 9,500 Listed and unlisted public companies are to undergo secretarial audit. At seminars held at Gurgaon, Jaipur, Chandigarh , Delhi and Ghaziabad I have delivered talks on "Secretarial Audit" with a view to share my real life experience of having conducted 'Secretarial Audit' of a good number of companies during last few years, with the members.
A copy of refrencer on "secretarial Audit" is attached for the benefit of members.
I shall be happy to reply to the doubts /practical difficulties as may be faced by the members in conducting "Secretarial Audit".
Sunil K. Jain, @