Sec 264 vs 119(2)(b)

SHIRISH S S (Proprietor) (1030 Points)

29 September 2017  

Went yesterday to my Jurisdictional AO  and discuss following

1) Unclaimed TDS of Rs 95k  carried from AY 2008-09 & AY 2009-10 to AY 2010-11

2) Chapter VI  L&T bonds (u/s 80CCF) not claimed  in AY 2012-13

3) TDs of 3k came after  143(1) was issued for AY 2014-15 

AO said no new entries in return can be done at his end and you have to apply to CIT  u/s 264

He said all three refunds are possible. 

I asked him again if application u/s 264 is correct or  119(2)(b) .

According to him 119(2)(b) is for refund claims not for revised return. He was about to give me a big Income tax act book to read. i said i will find out from net.

Suddenly he got up and took me to CIT (I) . He tapped on cabin door and pushed it. The door was closed from inside. Some urgent hearing was going on.

We came back to his cabin. He told to meet CIT  and apply under section 264. 

I came back and saw income tax log in -   efile u/s 119(2)(b)/92  is there and 139(9) is there.

How to apply for revised return u/s 264 or whether AO was wrong about section?