sec 136(1)
satya (student) (53 Points)
06 October 2016
P C Agrawal
(Registered independent director Past Chairman of Aurangabad Chapter of ICSI Practicing Company Secretary at Aurangabad)
(8229 Points)
Replied 06 October 2016
The notice has also to be sent to the following:
1) Directors
2) Auditors
3) Secretarial Auditors
4) Nominee of single holder (in case of death of member holding shares singly)
5) Surviving first joint holder (in case of death of member holding shares jointly)
6) Nominee appointed by all joint holders (in case of death of all joint holders)
7) Legal representative of deaceased member (if there is no nominee)
8) Assignee of insolvent member
9) Liquidator (in case of a member being a company being wound up)
[Ref.: Para 1.2.1 of Secretarial Standard - II notified by the Govt.]
(53 Points)
Replied 06 October 2016