Score Good mark in Audit


06 December 2010  

How to score good mark in Audit


Dear Friends and members


This is one of the important papers as far as CA exam is concerned. Following are the some of the tips for betterment of audit papers.

Conceptual back ground

You must adopt a concept building approaches for this papers. Never adopt a by heart method which will fail during your exam.


Fair Knowledge of AS and SA

Audit papers inter linked with Accounts paper and a fair knowledge of Accounting standard is essential.

 Standards on Audit will regulate auditing and hence fair knowledge of the same is essential for your exam.


CARO Report, Company audit One and Company Audit Two, professional ethics (Final) are relevant area as far as CA course is concerned.


Inter Linked Approaches


Single questions in the exam will catch AS, SA, CARO, Other relevant area of syllabus. You are advised to inter link where ever it is hitting. Such inter linked presentation have better effect on your marks.


Make good notes


You are requested to make a good and precious notes which summarising the main area. Your notes just act as ZIP file. Never fail this aspect

 Past questions and scanners


Past questions and answers and scanners


You must require a fair knowledge of method of questions (Application oriented questions) which is set in CA exam. Make more practises in such questions during the time of your study leaves. This practise will fix your concepts clarity.


Compulsory cover 3 rounds of studies before going to write the main exam.