Plz tell me the scope of getting job in USA with degrees like CA Inter...Mcom, LLB.. Concepts of laws, taxations,are totally different in India and USA.
So will i get a job there with Indian degrees?
Nirav (Tax preparer) (74 Points)
20 January 2010
Plz tell me the scope of getting job in USA with degrees like CA Inter...Mcom, LLB.. Concepts of laws, taxations,are totally different in India and USA.
So will i get a job there with Indian degrees?
(CA Practice )
(1818 Points)
Replied 20 January 2010
I have one suggestion. You join. Work for some time and opt for there learn while you earn scheme and pursue CPA. With this u will get acceptability in US.
Bye the way gone are the Days when we Indian were delighted to geta job in US. Believe now American are Excited when they are getting any job in India.
Serve our Country yaar
(143 Points)
Replied 20 January 2010
yes yes I agree with Rahul, serve our country.
Be Indian
Shudhanshu Agrawal
(2570 Points)
Replied 20 January 2010
As you all know my dear friends our ICAI is world second rank CA institute so Indian CA do have recognisation in world's financial services. As far as CA- inter and LLB are considered you dont have any recognisation earlier coz of different accouting and legal forms but as you know now IFRS are coming and indian corporates are also ready to follow them there will be similarity in our and other countries accounting treatments and we will be more equipped to accept the challenge of different nationality. As far as LLB is considered it doesnt have any value as different contries have different laws.
Its just my opinion
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