SCN for new gst registration with GEO TAGGED PHOTOGRAPH

Apkbox In (9 Points)

15 November 2024  

I was applying for a gst registration , i am a freelancer so staying at my parents house , the house is named under my mother . So i uploaded the electircity bill and consent letter that i stay at this place but i got a SCN today stating to provide these docs .

Principal Place of Business - Document Upload - Others (Please specify) - Q.No.1. Please upload all
pages of Registry both side in PDF. Including page signed by the Registrar

I have 4 questions 

  1. Should i upload all the pages of registry i mean it contains aadhar card and some extra pages .. so should i upload the full or only some pages like the once containing the detaills and registrar signed page ?
  2. Should i click a geo tagged photo infront of my house with me only or should i click a photo with me and my mother standing infront of the house ?
  3. Is this app ok for the geo tag photo - Geo Tagging Camera ( ?
  4. Where to upload this photo, should i upload the image supporting document ?

    and where to upload the registry as in Principal place of business i dont see option for registry but only property tax receipt