download from the following link registers under companies act.xls
Amit Malpani
(Executive - Stat Audit)
(64 Points)
Replied 12 April 2009
download from the following link registers under companies act.xls
Saurabh Patwardhan
(CS CA Final student Trainee Finance)
(28 Points)
Replied 14 June 2010
PL let me have the excel format for the register to be maintained u/s 301. my mail id is saurabhspatwardhan @ Thanks
Nicky Jindal
(23 Points)
Replied 15 July 2011
can i get the excel format of register 301...its send it asap
My mail i.d. nicky_jindal @
(22 Points)
Replied 09 May 2012
Dear all members,
I want know from where i can obtain a format of ragiter u/s section 301 of companies act, or can you send it to me