When shall this fraternity believe the truth that their leaders has surrendered for the 20 Crores limit last year? The present council is the extension of old council. Very few council members lost on account of non performance. But who are there in the council were equally responsible for surrendering the bank audits last year. How they manage to get elected again is a billion dollar question. In fact our fraternity doesn’t take the right cause at the right time.
Our members are in pain and still under a dilemma that how can there be no bankaudit this year? This is a truth that we have to accept it.
What our Elected Council Members are doing for our Profession?. Why Council member are not saying anything on this issue?. They are busy in selecting Vice Presindet, Chairmans, Branch Elections. ICAI Should have right to recall for elected Members.
A comment in CA SANSAR by a member CA.Amresh Vashisht