To get a job in SAP field, one should have one life cycle implementation experience in project.
Selection of SAP Module depends on your education and experience. Almost all MNCs have/are opted for SAP Software. To study SAP, one should have done graduation in their respective field with 3 to 5 years domain experience.
If you want to get SAP Certification, you have to study SAP in Siemens,
Genovate or NIIT, where they will charge Rs. 2-3 lacs for the course.
Or few SAP Consultancy firms offer project exposure in their free time, where they will charge
economically (Rs. 25,000-30,000).
Getting training in SAP is not a problem. The main thing one has to
consider is, whether Institute will be providing any project exposure,
which is a must from job point of view. When you go for any interview, questions will
be more on SAP Practical application knowledge. Without project
exposure (ASAP Methodology- means how to implement SAP in companies)
one can't answer these questions. Lot of openings are available in SAP
consultancy firms (like IBM, TCS, Keane India) as well in
manufacturing companies (like ABB, BHEL, BEL) using SAP Software for
their company operations. You have to learn SAP preferably in SAP
Consultancy firms.