CA CS Amit Borade (Chief Accountant) (2828 Points)

17 November 2009  

 Sanskrit - [A global language to be proud of] Every one should know about culture & language

There are many mottos in Sanskrit which have been readily adopted, like:

Republic of India, Satyameva Jayate

“Truth alone triumphs”; LIC of India, 

Yogakshemam Vahâmyaham “I shall take care of welfare”;

Indian Navy, Shanno Varuna “May the ocean be peaceful to us”; 

Mumbai Police, Sadrakshanaaya Khlaha Nigrahanayah “For protection of the good and control of the wicked”;

All India Radio, Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukhay “For the benefit of all, for the comfort of all”;

Indonesian Navy, Jalesvava Jayamahe “On the sea, we are glorious”.

Sanskrit is the oldest and the living language on our planet. We see its wonderful history passing through many millennia.

It is the language of the most ancient Indian scripttures belonging to various faiths and it is the language of divinity.

Sanskrit was introduced on the earth, by the eternal sages along with Vedas, Upanishads, Yogashastras and Puranas. 

A plethora of such ancient texts mostly in verses represent highly civilised life, creativity of the Indian mind and spiritual tradition which is unique in its scope, depth and vitality. It has provided the basis of India’s civilisation unity.

About 2,600 years ago, the sage Panini had re-established the science of Sanskrit grammar in his Ashtadhayi and even today it is considered as the standard authority. Westerners describe Sanskrit as one of the greatest productions of the human mind. 

The philologists term it as an ideal scientific work; the grammarians have identified it to be the mother of most Indo-European languages, and also of Persian, Kurdish or Armenian.

Research scholars have identified around 90 languages of the world, especially English, Greek, Latin and Arabic to have either directly or indirectly derived words from Sanskrit

it has been noticed by Dr Varhadpande that about 25 per cent of the words in English have emerged from Sanskrit.

Sanskrit is the only language available that has the letters and sounds to make up the powerful mantra.

No other language can meet the power and energy of the true divine sound. Chanting mantras means that you and others around will always be protected.

Other languages may have rhythm, harmony and poetic sounds but Sanskrit has all of that plus more**

It has abundant literature of poetry, drama and philosophy and has produced outstanding personalities such as

Kalidasa, Banabhatt, Bharavi, Bhaskaracharya, Chanakya & Adishankaracharya etc equivalent to great lives in the world.

It is a misconception that Sanskrit is concerned only with spiritual wisdom. Its texts cover the entire gamut of human activity including fine arts, branches of science, and literature. Hence it is a foundation for a global language of consciousness, any modern science and spiritual science.

The 2great epics Ramayana and Mahabharata were originally written in Sanskrit have influenced many people for a long time.

The famous German poet Goethe was very much impressed about them. Regarding the play Mrichchakatikam enacted in New York with English rendering in 1924, the dramatic critic JW Crutch says, “Such a play could be produced only by a civilisation which has reached stability.”

The famous Indologist Max Muller said, “Sanskrit is the greatest language of the world. Many world personalities love Bhagawat Gita for its teachings on liberation through renunciation.”

The Vedanta philosophy enshrined in our Constitution, needs to be fully understood, a process in which Sanskrit has a crucial role to play.

Today there is tremendous international interest in the science of yoga, meditation, eastern philosophy, stress management and holistic medicine. All of them have roots in Sanskrit literature.The language has many koshas (lexicons). Amarsinh’s Amarkosha (600 AD) has around 3,000 thesaurus shlokas (entries)