Sale in transit

sunil (partner) (55 Points)

04 April 2012  


Please advise which of these is allowed and which forms are to be issued in each of the cases, if they are permissible -

Case 1:
A company has 2 branches A and B in StateA and StateB respectively. Supplier C is in StateC.

A purchases goods from C and effects 'sale in transit' to B.

Case 2:

A company has 2 branches A and B in StateA and StateB respectively. Supplier C is in StateB.

A purchases goods from C (in StateB) and effects 'sale in transit' to B.

Reasons to do this -

1. Goods actually travel from C to A through StateB
2. Turnover needs to be booked by A and the main market is in StateB
3. C is a manufacturer / dealer registered excise dealer and passing MODVAT credit. Also, B is a registered excise dealer. All A, B & C have a valid TIN / CST number.
