I want to create an account for Round Off (for sale bills)
In which major account head it will belong ?
Sandeep Keswani
(Tax Consultant)
(1064 Points)
Replied 07 May 2009
It can either be in "Indirect Expenses" or "Indirect Incomes" in the P & L A/c. depending upon whether there is credit balance or debit balance.
Vibhash Kumar Sah
(73 Points)
Replied 07 May 2009
As u want to create rouding off account for the purpose of rouding of the sales figure, it may be grouped under Direct Expenses/Income.
(34 Points)
Replied 07 May 2009
Thanks Sandeep and Vibhash
Should I create Two RoundOff accounts for each balance type (debit/credit) to put in Direct/Indirect Incom/Expenses
-RoundOff (Up)
-RoundOff (Down)
It is not sure that at the end of Financial Period what type of balance will be (debit or credit).
I want to see the ledger of RoundOff at any time
What I should I do
shailesh agarwal
(professional accountant)
(7642 Points)
Replied 07 May 2009
if you are using tally then you can use to open in any where direct or indirect -in last of year-------------------you can adjust as per the case may be and-----------only one round off a/c will be open -----------------and in last it will be merged in discount paid or received a/c as such income tax as no such type of a/c allowed