It is possible to amend the articles, but practically it doesn’t seems such a good idea
WTD and MD are appointed for a fixed term by an agreement and by a resolution of shareholders in General Meeting
Syam kamal
(Company Secretary)
(156 Points)
Replied 08 April 2011
It is possible to amend the articles, but practically it doesn’t seems such a good idea
WTD and MD are appointed for a fixed term by an agreement and by a resolution of shareholders in General Meeting
Mehul Pitroda
(21 Points)
Replied 29 June 2013
there are 9 directors in a public unlisted company from this 9 directors 4 directors are nominee directors appointed by pramotors of the company we have to comply with the provision of section255 of the companies act,1956 can any1 tell how i can comply with section 255