What are the duties and responsibilities of Compliance Officer of a company??
Priya Sharma (Company Secretary & Student.MBA) (998 Points)
05 August 2010What are the duties and responsibilities of Compliance Officer of a company??
CS Ankur Srivastava
(Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)
(17853 Points)
Replied 06 August 2010
Under clause 47(a) of the Listing Agreement, it is mandatory to appoint the Company Secretary to act as Compliance Officer.
Compliance Officer would be responsible to monitring hte share transfer process and report to the Company's Board in each meeting. The compliance Officer will directly liaise with the authorities wuch as SEBI, Stock Exchanges, Register of Companies, itc, and investors with respect to implementation of various clauses, rules, regulations and other directives of such authorities and investor service and complaints of related matter.
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