Roc compliances
Nitin Sewal (Audit Assistant) (69 Points)
10 February 2017Nitin Sewal (Audit Assistant) (69 Points)
10 February 2017
P C Agrawal
(Registered independent director Past Chairman of Aurangabad Chapter of ICSI Practicing Company Secretary at Aurangabad)
(8229 Points)
Replied 13 February 2017
1. Appoint required number of directors.
2. Prepare draft Balance Sheet.
3. Hold Board meeting and shareholders meetings.
4. File audited Balance Sheet, annual return and other applicable returns in current date.
5. File application for compounding of various offences under the Act.
Akash Choudhary
(2 Points)
Replied 07 March 2017
Dear Sir/madam
My Father KALU CHARAN CHOUDHARY taken loan form DHANEI kGFS PVT ltd a personal loan 2 years back.form
at/po nandika branch berhmapur odisha we are paying every month
emi bt fault ur side we are stop payment .On 06 th of March 2017 seven robust people came to my house,
without prior information,when i was not at home.All of them used abused language my father and my
mother in front of the neighbours.They shouted loudly in front of the house in my street..They were
threatening or i should pay some good amount at the same time. They called 2 more robust people to
threaten me so that they can forcefully .Meanwhile we called the police but they said that it is a
matter me so we should tackle it mutually and they walked people gorav nayak
forcefully makeing sign to my mother and and my father a blank people neme garuav nayak he
abused using indian abusive bad words clearly my mother Please suggest what should i do in this
case.Should i file a defamation case.kindly plz action teken this company...
Bikash Choudhary