RG 1, RG 23 Part I and II Explanation Required

Page no : 2

Rahul G Asai (Service) (37 Points)
Replied 16 February 2008

Over the period, I have collected some short notes and created small document out of it on the said subject. Peopel who have mentioned their IDs will be shortly receiving the document. regards, rahul asai

ankit goyal (CA Final Student) (102 Points)
Replied 22 February 2008

could u plz send me too. my mail id is goyalankit.srd @ gmail.com

could any one send me the formates of RGI,RG23A I&II,RG23CI&II.My email ID : srihari.abburi @ gmail.com

Where should the excise records be kept. Should it bekept at the place where the manufacturing takes place or should it be kept at registered office?

Ram Avtar Singh (Nagari Sultanpur U.P.Delhi)   (14497 Points)
Replied 27 February 2008

RG23A Part-I (Daily Stock Register) Which is maintain for Exciseable Goods Purchase Bill wise for Inventery detail for production & cunsumption. RG23APart-II (Cenvat Register) Which is use for Excise Dity & Cess Credit to be taken on Purchase Bill Wise, and utilized duty & cess on sale of final product which was manufactured.



Please tell us how many copies maintain for RG 23 C part 1 & part 2 register. i.e. duplicate or triplicate.





Please tell us how many copies maintain for RG 23 C part 1 & part 2 register. i.e. duplicate or triplicate.



Ram Avtar Singh (Nagari Sultanpur U.P.Delhi)   (14497 Points)
Replied 25 April 2008

Dear You can use RG23A Part -I , Part-II, Rg23c Part-I, Part-II & PLA                    ( in Triplicate ) 


Please send me copy in Excel format.

rajesh sharma (adadads) (35 Points)
Replied 30 April 2008

You may please refer to :-

Tariff of Central Excise - Records Section

Mannual of cengtral Excise- records Section



rajesh sharma (adadads) (35 Points)
Replied 30 April 2008


All excise records (whether Mannual or Computersied) shall abe kept at the :-

Premises registred at the time of Registeration of Central Excise Registarion. Even If accounting/ business office outside premises it shold be in Manufacturing premises.

But on written request of Asstt Comm. or Commissioner of CE it can be take outside for audit/ computer feeding.




I am interested in seeing your notes . Con you please send it to me through guru.prasad1988 @ gmail.com



I am interested in seeing your notes . Con you please send it to me through guru.prasad1988 @ gmail.com



I am interested in seeing your notes . Con you please send it to me through guru.prasad1988 @ gmail.com

S. Banerjee (Practising Cost Accountant. Core area- Central Excise. Service Tax Costing system installation including maintenance of Cost Records and Cost Audit and Management Audit mainly Revenue leakages Audit)   (622 Points)
Replied 28 May 2008

Mr. Rahul,

Already you have got so many replies .

My interpretation is that under SRP the basic philosophy of excise rules changed in the year 2000, mainly to scrap statutory records and rely on records maintained by assessee. Now most of the Statutory records have been abolished , except a few records like DSA and Cenvat Credit , requirements of records have been prescribed but format is not prescribed.

Non maintenance of records as specified in rules will mean contravention of specied rules and will attract penal action (ch 6 Part I paras 2.1 and 2.4 of CBEC's CE Mannual, 2001.

Under Rule 22(2) all assessee should submit a list of duplicate, of all recods prepared to maintained by him.

Hope  this will serve your purpose,


S. Banerjee

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