Revisionary notes on CA-CPT






Fundamentals of Accounting



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An economic event that involves transfer of money or money’s worth is financial transaction.


Drawing represents cash withdrawn for personal use and goods withdrawn for personal use.


A person who owes money of the firm is a debtor.


Financial statement is the part of accounting.


Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Cost Accounting, Social Responsibility Accounting, Human Resource Accounting are the sub field of accounting.


Fundamental accounting assumption as per AS-1 is Going Concern, Consistency & Accrual.


Economic life of an enterprise is artificially split into periodic intervals in accordance with Periodicity Principle.


Materiality principle is an exception to the Full disclosure principle.


When stock is valued at cost in one accounting period and at lower of cost and NRV in another period Prudence principle conflict with consistency principle.


Accrual means recognition of revenue as it is earned and expenses when they are incurred.


Prudence principle is an exception to the consistency.




Personal transactions are distinguished from business transaction, in accordance with accounting entity principle.


The principle which treats all rupee a like whether it is rupee of 1957 or 2007 is money measurement principle.


Appending notes to the financial statement is in accordance with full disclosure principle.


Revenue from sale of products, is generally realized in the period in which sale is made.


Fixed assets are held in the business for the purpose of earning revenue.


Purchase of machinery for cash retains total assets unchanged.


AS in India are issued by the ICAI.


32 AS are issued by the ICAI and 31 AS are in force, AS 8 was replaced by AS 26.


It is essential to standardize the accounting principle and policies in order to ensure Transparency, Consistency, and Comparability.


Accounting Policies refer to specific accounting principles and method of applying those principles.


The major consideration governing the selection and application of accounting policies are prudence, substance over form and materiality.


A change in accounting policy is justified to comply with AS, to ensure more appropriate presentation of financial statement of the enterprise and to comply   with law.


In double entry system of book keeping every business transactions affects two accounts.


Debit means an increase in asset or any expense.


Journal is the book of original entry.


Ledger is the book of secondary entry.


The process of recording a transaction in the journal is called journalizing.


L.F in the journal is filled at the time of posting.





The process of transferring the transactions relating to changes in a particular item at one place in the form of an account is called posting.


Nominal accounts are never balanced; these are directly transferred to P&L A/c by passing closing entry


Purchase of furniture is an asset.


Salary account is nominal account.


Prepaid salary a/c is a personal a/c.


Outstanding salary a/c is a personal a/c.


Interest received a/c is a nominal a/c.


Accrued interest is a personal a/c.


Interest receivable is a personal a/c.


Cash A/c is a real a/c.


Bank A/c is a personal a/c.


Advance to employee is a personal a/c.


Advance to suppliers is a personal a/c.


Goodwill is a real a/c.


Patent, Copyright, Trademark are real a/c.


Bad debt and Bad debt recovered are nominal a/c.


A free sample a/c is nominal a/c.


Cash book is a type of subsidiary book but treated as principal book of a/c.





Cash book is used to record all receipts and payment of cash.


Bank column of the cash book may show either Dr. Balance or Cr. Balance.


Single column cash book will show only debit balance.


A cheque which is payable across the bank counter is a bearer cheque.


The balance in petty cash book represents an asset.


Purchase book is used to record all Credit purchase of goods.


Sale book is used to record all credit sales of goods.


B/R book is a part of journal.


Purchase book, sale book is a part of journal.


Goods taken by proprietor for personal use will be recorded in journal proper.


Total of sales book is posted to sales a/c.


When a customer returns the good a credit note is sent to him.


When the goods are sent to supplier a debit note is sent to him.


Credit purchase of stationary by a stationary dealer is to be recorded in purchase book.


BRS is prepared by a customer of bank.


BRS is statement showing the causes of differences between the cash book and pass book.


Debit balance in the cash book means credit balance as per pass book.


Installation charges of machinery purchased is capital expense.


Expense incurred on trial run of machine is capital expenditure.






Repair of second hand machinery before put to use is capital expense.


Annual maintenance fee of machine is revenue expense.


Cost of ring & pistons of an engine changed to get better fuel efficiency is capital expense.


Interest on term loan for purchase of machinery where the commercial production has not begun till the last day of accounting year is capital expense.


Premium received on issue of shares is capital receipts.


Scrap value of machinery is capital receipt.


Insurance claim for machinery damaged by fire is capital receipt.


Cash received from debtors is revenue receipt.


Fine imposed is revenue expenditure.


Purchase of goodwill is capital expense.


Import duty on purchase of material is revenue expense.


Loss on sale of machinery is revenue loss.


Festival advance to employee is prepaid expense.


Cost incurred on dismantling a machine worn out part is revenue expense.


Amount spent on repainting an old building for first time on purchase is capital expense.


Amount spent on annual repainting of building is revenue expense.


Contingent assets usually arises from unplanned or unexpected event that given rise to the possibility of an inflow of economic benefits to the business entity.


In the financial statement contingent assets and liabilities are not recognized.


In the financial statement provisions are recognized and adjusted.




The trial balance checks the arithmetical accuracy of the books of account.


The object of opining suspense account is to avoid the delay in preparation of financial statement.


The inventory of finished goods is valued at cost or NRV which is lower.


Damaged inventory is valued at net realizable value.


Under inflationary condition, FIFO method will show highest value of closing stock.


Under inflationary condition, LIFO method will show lower value of closing stock.


Under inflationary condition, FIFO method will show lowest value of cost of goods sold.


Under inflationary condition, LIFO method will show highest value of cost of goods sold.



Closing Stock = Opening Stock + Purchase  - Cost of goods sold or,

Opening Stock +Purchase = Goods available for sale or,

Cost of goods sold= Sale – Gross Profit Margin


If Opening stock is understated profit will increase.


Entry for goods in transit ---

 Goods in Transit      Dr    xxx

     To Purchase a/c                   xxx

Deprecation is related to all tangible fixed assets (Except Land)


Deprecation accounting is a process of allocation of the cost of fixed assets.


Deprecation is a non cash operating expense.


Fixed assets are stated in Balance Sheet at Cost – Deprecation till date.


The factors affecting the amount of deprecation include physical wear & tear, Passage of time, change in economic residual value.


Land is usually assumed to be not depreciated.


The number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the use of an asset by an enterprise is called as unit life


The portion of the acquisition cost of assets yet to be allocated is known as WDV.


For depreciating goodwill the suitable method is SLM.


For depreciating mine the suitable method is depletion.


Amortization is same like deprecation.


For depreciating leases the suitable method is Annuity method.


In case of downward revaluation of an asset which is for first time revalued, the account to be debited in P/L a/c.


Trading a/c is prepared to ascertain gross Profit.


P/L a/c is closed by transferring its balance to capital a/c.


Provision is a charge against the profit.


P/L a/c shows the financial performance for an accounting period.


Balance sheet shows the financial position at a particular date.


Reserve for discount on creditor has debit balance.


Wages and salaries appearing in trail balance are shown on the debit side of treading a/c.


Outstanding wages appearing in trail balance is shown on the liabilities side of balance sheet.


Prepaid insurance appearing in trail balance is shown on the assets side of balance sheet.


Closing stock appearing in trail balance is shown on the assets side of balance sheet.


Capital work in progress is tangible asset.


Drawings are deducted from capital.


The provision for discount on debtor is calculated after deducting provision for doubtful debts from debtors.


Provision for discount on debtors is debited to P/L a/c.


The debit balance in the P/L a/c is a loss.


The value of human resources is generally not shown in balance sheet as per money measurement concept.


Accrued income is shown as a current asset.


Unaccrued income is shown as a current liability.


A promissory note is an unconditional promise to pay.


In case of Promissory note, there are 2 parties.


A bill of exchange is an unconditional order to pay.


In case of bill of exchange there are 3 parties.


The term of bill after sight commences from the date of acceptance of the bill.


The term of bill after date commences from the date of drawing a bill.


When the bill is honoured at the maturity date, the drawee debits B/P a/c.


In case of dishonour of a discounting bill, noting charges are initially paid by Banker.


When an accommodation bill is discounted and amount received is shared by the two parties, the discount is borne by the drawer and drawee in agreed ratio.


A bill given to a creditor is called B/P.


Discount at the time of retirement of a bill is a gain for the drawee.


Noting charges are borne by the drawee in the event of dishonour of bill.


If the due date is a  public holiday the preceding day will be the due date of the bill


The purpose of accommodation is when both parties are in need of funds.


The promissory note should be signed by promisor.


Fees paid in cash to notary public is charged by holder of bill of exchange.


The law relating to partnership firms is contained in the partnership Act 1932 which came in to force on 1.10.1932; it applies to whole of India excluding J&K.


Mutual Agency is conclusive evidence of partnership.


Sharing of profits is prima facie evidence of partnership.


Registration of a firm is optional.


A partnership at will is one which does not provide for how long the business will continues.


A partner act Agent for a firm.


An incoming partner is liable for all the acts of the firm done after his admission.


Goodwill brought in by incoming partner in cash for joining in a partnership firm is taken away by the old partners in their sacrificing Ratio.


P/L on revaluation of assets & liabilities is shared by old partners in their old PSR.


Accumulated P/L & Reserve are shared by the old partners in their old PSR.


In case Revaluation a/c is prepared, the assets and liabilities appear in the books of reconstituted firm at their Revalued figure.


A partner may retire with the consent of all other partners.


A partner can retire in accordance with the partnership deed.


Public notice of retirement must be given by retiring partner or any of the other partners.


Death of partner has the effect of dissolving the firm.


Retiring partner’s share of goodwill is debited to remaining partner in their gaining ratio.


JLP is taken by the firm on the life of all the partners jointly or all the partners severely.


At the time of retirement of a partner, Firm gets surrender value from the insurance company against JLP policy for all the partners.




At the time of retirement of a partner, Firm gets surrender value for all the partners from insurance company against JLP taken severely for each partner.


Unless otherwise agreed upon, a retiring partner can carry on competing business.


Common point between the consignment and sale is the stock outflow.


The person who send the goods to be sold on consignment is known as consignor


The person to whom goods are sent to be sold on consignment is known as consignee.


The relationship between the consignor and consignee is of principal and agent.


Risk of goods remains with the consignor.


The profit or loss on consignment belongs with the consignor.


 An account sale is a statement sent by the consignee to the consignor.


A Performa invoice is sent by the consignor to the consignee.


Del-credere commission is an additional commission paid by the consignor to consignee for bearing the loss on account of bad debt arising due to credit sale. If such commission is offered the consignee will bear the bad debt.


Consignment account is a nominal account.


Goods sent on consignment are transferred to Trading Account.


Closing stock of consignment includes promotional share of all direct expenses. 


A company has a separate legal entity from its member.


An authorized capital refers to that amount which is stated in the capital clause of the memorandum of association as share capital.


Reserve capital is not disclosed in the balance sheet of the company.


Equity shares can be issued with the differential rights as to dividend and voting.


Prospectus of a company is an invitation to make an offer to subscribe the share or debenture of the company.


As per section 69(3) of the Co. Act 1956, the amount payable on application on each share must be at least 5% of the nominal amount of share.


As per SEBI Guidelines, the amount payable on application on each share must be at least 25% of the issue amount of shares.


As per Table A, the amount of call on a share must not exceed 25% of the nominal amount of share.


A company can issue share at premium even in the absence of any express authority in its articles.


The maximum rate of interest which can be charged on calls in arrears (As per Table-A) is 5% P.a.


 The maximum rate of interest which can be paid on calls in advance (As per Table-A) is 6% P.a.


If shares are forfeited, share capital account is debited with the amount of called up value of shares.


If shares are forfeited, forfeited shares account is credited with the amount received (Excluding Securities Premium)


The securities premium account appears under the head Reserve & Surplus.


On the approval from Central Govt. the rate of discount on issue of share can be 10% of the nominal value of shares.


Calls in arrears should be deducted from the share capital to find out the paid up capital.


Capital Reserves are created out of capital profits.


As per Schedule VI of the Co. Act 1956, forfeited share account will be added up to the paid up capital.


Underwriting commission can not exceed 5% in case of shares and 2.5% in case of debentures.


According to Companies Act, a company can not proceed to allot shares unless minimum subscriptttttion is received by the company which is 90% as per guidelines of SEBI.


If the company does not receive the minimum subscriptttttion, the entire subscriptttttion shall be refunded to the applicants with in 42 days from the date of closure of issue.


The companies Act, requires that the period of at least one month must be there between two calls.


A company can not issue any preference shares that are irredeemable.


Preference Share can be redeemed only if these are fully paid.


Preference Share can be redeemed out of divisible profits or proceeds of fresh issue of SHARES.


The premium if any payable on redemption must be provided out of securities premium or ANY PROFIT.


A transfer to Capital Redemption Reserve is required u/s 80 when the preference shares are redeemed out of divisible profit.


Redemption of preference share does not constitute reduction of authorized share capital.


Capital Reserve is not divisible profit.


Debenture is a written instrument acknowledging a debt written by a co.


Debenture interest is payable whether there are profits or not.


Debenture trust deed is created by the company.


Debenture trustees are to be appointed in case of issue of debenture with maturity of more than 18 Months.


A company can not issue debenture with voting rights.


Debentures are classified in Balance Sheet at liabilities side under the head Secured loan.


Interest accrued and due appears under the head Secured loan in liabilities.


Interest accrued but not yet due appears under the head current liabilities in liabilities.


Debenture account is personal account.


Discount on issue of debenture and loss on issue debenture are nominal accounts.


In Balance Sheet Debenture Premium account appears under the head Reserve & Surplus.


Debenture Redemption Premium account is personal account.


In Balance Sheet Loss on issue of debenture account appears under the head Misc Exp.


Non Convertible debenture which are redeemable on or after 18 months are secured by a charge.


A fixed charge is a charge which is created on some specific assets


A floating charge is a charge which is generally created on all the assets of the company including the future assets also.


A partnership firm carrying on banking business is not eligible to be appointed as Debenture Trustees.


Joint venture is a temporary partnership between two or more persons.


Going concern assumption is not applicable in case of joint venture.


A minor can not be a co-venturer as he is incompetent to contract.


There is no specific Act for joint venture.


Joint bank account is prepared when separate set of books are maintained for joint venture transaction.


In Memorandum Joint Venture Account Method, each co-venture records only those transactions which are effected by him only.


There is no restriction for maximum number of co-venturer in case of joint venture.


Loss of joint venture uninsured goods is not recorded in joint venture.


When a transaction is recorded in contravention of account principles it indicates error of principle.


Trial balance is not an account, it is a statement, it is prepared on a particular date.


Any difference in trial balance is adjusted through Suspense Account; this account may either have debit balance or credit balance.



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