Revision of tds return

Shruti (article) (69 Points)

06 February 2014  

Dear Friends ,

I am having problems in efiling of TDS return against interest demand of late payment of TDS.

Eg: The due date of depositing TDS chalan was 7th Dec 2011, whereas it was deposited on 8th Dec.2011. The only demand is of interest on late payment [interst i.e Rs. 1510.00] . The challan is deposited on 19 august 2013 against demand letter received in the same month. 

Now, When I revised my return after depositing the interest I added the deposited challan to the list of challans but made no additions to the list of deductees in the annexure.

Now, my revised return has been rejected. 

Kindly tell me the procedure to revise the TDS Return against demand for late pyment interst.


- Regards.