Very Important Revision Tips: What you prepare on Monday try and recall it on Tuesday without using books. If you are able to recall 60%-70%, then you are 100% going to succeed in this examination. Again try to recall the same after the gap of 2-3 days.
Use abbreviation method. If you have 10 points to remember in a question give them a certain abbreviation and remember that abbreviation. See the example below:
In section 293 of Companies Act, 1956 there are 5 clauses from (a) to (e). My abbreviation to remember these 5 clauses is “SRIBC”. S=Sell/R=Remit/I=Invest/B=Borrow/C=Contribute. Have a look at Section-293 and verify yourself.
Strategy/technique to prepare Section in Company Law: 1. First read the Section from Bare Act as bare act contain the pure law passed by legislature. 2. Then read the same section from your law book (Munish Bhandari). 3. Now it is the turn of your coaching notes. Read them thoroughly. 4. Now read all the previous exam problems based on that particular section from book.
If you follow the above 4 points carefully and honestly then you may consider your section finished for life. Believe me and try this method.
This method is completely developed and named by me and is extremely helpful for fetching good marks. ATLAS STANDS FOR “AT LAST”. There are always some questions, formulas, Sections and case laws which we simply fail to recall in exam hall. According to this method if you find anything very difficult to remember then after preparing the same topic once or twice put it in the ATLAS. Keep putting difficult topics in ATLAS till exam date. There would be a different ATLAS for law, audit, accounts etc. Now 1.5 hour before leaving your home for examination hall open ATLAS question list and revise it properly or give it a special reading. Now if you find any question from ATLAS in the exam paper it would be very easy for you to answer as you specially revise it just 2-3 hours back and your confidence level will automatically increase in the beginning of exam. What say???
Keep review your ATLAS list and modify it accordingly. If initially you put any question in ATLAS and now you are confident enough about that particular question you can remove that question from ATLAS. Don’t put easy and non important questions in ATLAS as this concept is for revising extra-ordinary important questions just 2-3 hours before examination. If you need any help understanding this method please let me know.