W.e.f. 01-04-2016 Reverse Charge Applicable on Services provided by Government or Local Authority to business entity (having turnover of more than 10 lacs in preceding F.Y.)
CBEC Notification 06/2016-ST dated 18-02-2016
Jitendra Panwar, FCA (Tax Practitioner ) (641 Points)
19 February 2016W.e.f. 01-04-2016 Reverse Charge Applicable on Services provided by Government or Local Authority to business entity (having turnover of more than 10 lacs in preceding F.Y.)
CBEC Notification 06/2016-ST dated 18-02-2016
Madhukar N Hiregange
(Chartered Accountant)
(39034 Points)
Replied 19 February 2016
RCM liability on receiver availing benefit of services from Govt. has been in place from March 15 but made applicable from 1st April 16. The exemption for small entitites using services of govt. has been provided as they may find it difficult to comply.
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