renting of immovable property by govt as a part of support service provided to business entity located in taxable territory,
whether reverse charge mechanism apply???????
(CA Final Student)
(137 Points)
Replied 11 March 2014
As per notifiaction 30/2012, service of renting of immovable property by government to a business entity shall not be taxable under reverse charge. Normal provisions of taxability shall arise, i.e. government as service provider shall be liable to pay service tax.
Although support services by government to business entity are taxable under RCM but certain services, including renting of immovable property, is not covered by RCM.
(Audit Executive)
(711 Points)
Replied 11 March 2014
(CA Final Student)
(137 Points)
Replied 12 March 2014
please find attached a document explaining the same in detail
Manoj Agarwal
(Service Tax Consultant Rourkela
(3456 Points)
Replied 12 March 2014
Agree..No RCM on Renting of Immovable Property by Government as support service to business entity.
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies